Contact Us Here!
Have a question or want to know more about us? Feel free to send a message! Please address to one of the officers named below.
Please address any e-mails to one of the following officers:
President of Women in Business
Aury Cifuentes
Contact about: How the club is managed, speaker opportunities, or co-sponsor inquiries
Vice President
Liz Kelly
Contact about: Networking and Alumni, Relations and general WIB inquiries (events, meetings, & Committees)
Alyssa Jackson
Contact about: Joining our email list, attendance, past meeting minutes, and membership status
London Morse
Contact about: Club funding opportunities and Fundraising Committee Membership
Public Relations
Beth Kraus
Contact about: Social media, website inquiries, pictures, and PR Committee membership
Community Service Chair
Jenna Knapp
Contact about: Service opportunities, Philanthropy within WIB, and Volunteer Committee membership